Lack of faith stops God? NO

Do circumstances control your faith? If life is bad, do you still believe? If your needs are not met has God left you? The 11 disciples followed a man named Jesus. They gave up family and entire livelihood because they believed Jesus was God, The Messiah. Then Jesus died. They lost it all and they quit. This is too hard. I can’t see or feel God. I thought God promised to care. I believed. I was wrong. Now I have nothing. THEN Jesus told the women on THAT Sunday morning to set up a reunion! Matthew 28:16-20 “The moment they saw Him they worshiped Him. Some, though HELD BACK, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally. But Jesus, UNDETERRED, went right ahead and gave His charge…” Their lack of faith DID NOT STOP blessings from Christ! Jesus promised “… I will be with you as you do this day after day after day, right up to the end of the age. ” God is always faithful, even if our faith is lacking. Grace and love are unfailing and UNCONDITIONAL! Worship our Savior. Have a wonderful day!

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